3 Solutions to Reducing Your Stress Level
| Does this sound like you or someone you know? Are you struggling to balance work, career, home and family? Do you have anxiety over money or financial issues? In today's economy, it's no surprise that most of us are leading a grueling and demanding lifestyle, leading to emotional stress and physical stress symptoms.
Well timing is of the essence. I have several solutions that can help you reduce stress in your life.
1 My guest on Tapping to Success with Kate this Sunday October 25 at 7pm EST is Dr. Patricia Carrington. Not only will Dr. Carrington be demonstrating, on my show, some of the newest techniques she is introducing, but she is offering an exclusive tapping package at a radically reduced rate, for my listeners.
2 Try my Stress Reduction Group ... this month's focus is money stress ... Nov 4, 6:30pm in Newton Center. Learn how to reduce and dissolve stress right when it hits you; become more confidant about the future; take control of your finances; and decrease the impact of the physical symptoms like headaches and teeth grinding that come from stress.
3 Try a tapping session and save 25%! I'm offering a 25% discount on your first session. And since I conduct sessions via telephone or Skype, I can work with clients anywhere. Read one business owner's success story.
So you don't need to struggle through every day letting stress weigh you down. Take advantage of one of these opportunities. If you know someone who can use stress reduction in his or her life,please forward this along! |
| | PROMOTIONS | Dr. Patricia Carrington's NEWTapping Package available at a radically reduced ratethrough Kate Beeders. Details
Telephone sessions allow us to work together wherever you are. contact me
| | Dr. Patricia Carrington Demonstrates New Techniques
| EFT Master Dr. Patricia Carrington will be my guest on Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 7 PM EST.  Dr. Carrington is a pioneer in the field of Energy Psychology and one of a handful of practitioners worldwide to be designated as an EFT Master by the founder of that method. She is the originator of the renowned Choices Method of Meridian Tapping which has brought the positive and inspirational use of Tapping to people worldwide. In her upcoming radio interview she will demonstrate some of the life changing and truly revolutionary approaches she is now introducing. If you or someone you know is experiencing stress or anxiety from work, career, or home, don't miss this show. Learn more about Dr. Carrington. Exclusive Tapping Package Dr. Carrington's NEW Tapping Package available at a radically reduced rate through Kate Beeders. Click here for details |
Success Story
| "I'm a small business owner with a rapidly expanding customer base. Being busy and growing my business is fantastic, but my anxiety level was increasing by the day because the list of projects to be completed seemed to be growing out of control. I couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate, and was feeling trapped and overwhelmed, which was affecting my productivity, sleep habits, and exercise routine. Kate tapped away the stress I was feeling from my 'to do list,' freeing my concentration and allowing me to hammer away at each task, systematically, one by one. It was nothing short of amazing"-Jamie R. |
| |  Save 25% off of your first client session*
do you know someone who could use a tapping session?
| Offer Expires: 11/15/09 *new clients only - applicable for sessions only - cannot be used or combined with other promotions |
| I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. -Henry David Thoreau |
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