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Dear Kate
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Personally, I have so much to be grateful for. It was great spending time with my family and being surrounded by lots of love.
One of the first comments I always hear from people who meet me is how passionate I am about what I do. They hear it in my voice and see it in my face. Often, they'll tell me that want to do what I do. I explain to them, that it's not what I do, but how I feel about myself and what I'm doing. I notice each day keeps getting and better. More opportunities are coming my way. Wonderful clients and surrounded by so many fabulous people. It's amazing how much I've accomplished in a very short time.
I know how painful it can be to be frustrated because your business isn't at the level you would like. But I also know how wonderful it can be once things start changing and you attract all of the success into your life.
If you're ready to make a change and have more success, more clients and more money, I have good news for you. Check out my new home page and my offer to apply for a complimentary Business Mindset Mastery strategy session yet If you're in the Massachusetts area, you're invited to come to this workshop on Dec 9. Click here for details and to register.
My next radio guest is Sasha Allenby on Monday, Nov 29 at noon EST. Click here to listen live.
Sasha Allenby, co-authored the best selling Hay House book Matrix Reimprinting: Using EFT with (EFT Master) Karl Dawson. She has contributed much to the development of Matrix Reimptinting not only by shaping and formulating the protocols, but also adding some of her own.
Sasha overcame two incurable health conditions using Matrix Reimprinting and EFT (CFS/ME and bipolar affective disorder). Her remarkable healing story has inspired many. She is a lively and dynamic speaker and trainer, and shares her passion for Matrix Reimprinting worldwide through a variety of training courses and other media.
Sasha is currently writing her next book with Harry Massey, producer of "The Living Matrix" film, to accompany the next film. For more information visit her website.
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| Tapping to success, Kate Beeders Success Coaching with Kate Business Mindset Mastery Expert
| "The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart."