Saturday, December 19, 2009

Did EFT improve Harold's heart arrhythmia?

Hi Everyone,

We get many EFT reports wherein unexpected health improvements occur. Such is case in this article by Kate Beeders. She says, "I gave him EFT homework, which he did every day. He called me a month later, after he completed his doctor's appointment. His blood pressure was strong and solid, his blood clotting time had improved and his pulse was in the 80's. His doctor cut his blood pressure medicine in half." Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary

By Kate Beeders

Learn EFT Here

Everyone knows how wonderful your training videos are. Here's a story where they helped more than I could have imagined.

I recently worked with a client, Harold, a gentleman in his 70's whose doctor had told him that he had a heart arrhythmia - irregular heart beat. His doctor was monitoring him for surgery for a pace maker. Harold's strong negative emotions for the surgery made him open to "try anything" (within reason) - which is why, a fairly conservative man was open to try EFT.

I had him watch your video on this very subject from your Foundational Library series. Sometimes seeing is believing and this video definitely helped make Harold open to tapping.

His heart rate was irregular and in the 50's. I muscle (energy) tested him and he was reversed about wanting a strong, steady heart rate. I used the reversal correction on him and energy tested him again. He was much stronger.

We tapped on his "irregular heart rate" and in between rounds he took his pulse, instead of giving me an intensity level. Also, we tapped on his fear of needing a pacemaker. We saw his heart rate become stronger and stronger. When we finished the session, his pulse was solid and in the 60's. He wanted a heart rate in the 80's.

I gave him EFT homework, which he did every day. He called me a month later,after he completed his doctor's appointment. His blood pressure was strong and solid, his blood clotting time had improved and his pulse was in the 80's. His doctor cut his blood pressure medicine in half. Of course, Harold will continue to be monitored by his doctor, but EFT has helped improve his health (and peace of mind).

Thank you, Gary!

