Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/21/10 Success Minutes- What Do You Desire?

Success Coaching with Kate
Success Minutes
Dear Kate,

Start attracting more abundance into your daily life. We'll work together to eliminate negative beliefs and patterns so you're free to attract what you, wealth, friends, love and more.
Attracting Abundance into Your Life:
Clear Emotional Blocks to Your Success!
Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT PractitionerWhat if you could live a prosperous, successful life instead of just dreaming about it? Change negative vibrations into positive ones that attract abundance. Using Tapping and the Law of Attraction, you can expand your comfort zones, reduce limiting beliefs, and build your prosperity consciousness to attract the abundance and success you want.

Attend this workshop and place success at your fingertips!
Don't forget to share the wealth, bring a friend!

Register for this exciting workshop now!
February 3, 6:30 pm, MacKenzie Center, Newton Centre, MA
Space is limited. Reserve early!

Treat yourself for FREE!
Make it your New Year's resolution to schedule your FREE 15 minute Success consultation today! Go ahead and treat yourself. There's no obligation and as an added convenience your consultation can be held via telephone or on Skype.
Kate Beeders on Tapping to Success with Kate
Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT Practitioner

Friday, Jan. 22, 2010

Kate Beeders is a guest on the Daring Dreamers Radio Showcasehosted by Angela Treat Lyon on The show will be available on my website for you to listen to.

Sunday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m. EST

Watch and listen in as Kate Beeders discusses tapping and how it helps her clients.

Kate Beeders
, Radio Host and Pro-ER Level 3 practitioner, will be interviewed by Jeanne White. Learn more about tapping and how Kate uses it to help her clients overcome success blocking obstacles. Clients have gotten results easily and quickly through Meridian Tapping Techniques (which includes EFT) in overcoming stress, fears, relationships, weight, clutter/procrastination, and childhood core issues.

The Tapping to Success with Kate radio show, in partnership with Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, a holistic healing radio network, broadcasts live on WBNW 1120 AM Boston, simulcast with WESO 970 Southbridge, plus voice and video streaming on the internet. We are broadcast partnered with Energy Talk Radio in San Francisco and Spirit Bond Radio in the UK.
I hope that 2010 brings you a lifetime of abundance. Remember that success is at your fingertips.
Kate Beeders
Success Coaching with Kate
In This Issue
Attracting Abundance Workshop
"If you reach for the stars, all you'll get are the stars...if you reach for the heavens, you get the stars thrown in."
- Mary Poppins
Quick Links

One Person's Story

"The workshop exceeded my expectations. I feel I have a valuable tool to relieve stress. I woke up quite cheerful and still reduced tension in my neck and shoulders. I will definitely tap tonight."
- B.L., stress workshop attendee
Team Inspiration Partner

FREE Gifts! I am a proud Team Inspiration Partner of Aspire Magazine'sMission to Inspire 100,000 Women in 2010!Get your free one year subscription to Aspireincluding a multitude of FREE GIFTS from myself and other Team Inspiration partners. Live an Inspired Life Today!Claim your subscription.
Save 25%
Welcome 2010 and all of the abundant opportunities it will bring into our lives. Say goodbye to previous stress and obstacles. Start with an individual session and clear out all of the negatives and bring in the positives.

This coupon cannot be combined with other offers and is only for the first time client session.
Offer Expires: Jan. 31, 2010 Success Coaching with Kate Offer Code: CCJAN10
Success Coaching with Kate
Kate Beeders | 1-617-733-0737 | email | website
