Monday, March 29, 2010

What are you grateful for?

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Success Coaching with Kate
Success Minutes
Choose Your Words Carefully
Dear Kate

A few issues ago, I wrote about the practice of keeping a gratitude journal. I wrote about it primarily from the angle of the law of attraction - what you focus on is what you'll attract. In other words, the more positive experiences you're focused on, the more of these type of experiences you'll bring into your life.

Now, I'd like to tell you why keeping a gratitude journal is important from a medical point of view. Martin Seligman, Ph.D, founder of Positive Psychology, conducted an experiment with people who considered themselves to be severely depressed. He asked them to write down three good things they had experienced each day for fifteen days. When the experiment was over, 94% of the participants had a decrease in depression and 92% claimed their happiness increased.

Tapping works fabulously in conjunction with a gratitude journal, helping people remember and stay focused on the good things in their lives. I'd love to hear your experiences of using a gratitude journal.
Save 30%
Limited time offer!
Purchase an EFT session with me in the next
7 days and receive 30% off the Beyond Belief DVD, featuring experts from The Secret,
What the Bleep
and more!

Offer Expires: April 9, 2010
Upcoming Tele Class:
Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT Practitioner
Overcoming Fears of Marketing Yourself
Wednesday, March 31, 7:30-8:30 pm EST
Is it difficult for you to put yourself out there? Are you uncomfortable self promoting? Do you prefer to stay in your comfort zone? Is all of the social media overwhelming and too time consuming for you? We'll be eliminating the fears that are holding you back and leave you feeling more comfortable, in control and excited about marketing a business that you love. Sign up now!
Upcoming Workshops:
I have a wide variety of workshops coming up in April, on a variety of topics, attracting abundance, stress reduction, clearing clutter. Please visit my workshop page for details.
Learn to be your own best friend. Start making those changes now! Contact me for your FREE 15 minute success consultation.

Tapping to success,

Kate Beeders
Success Coaching with Kate
In This Issue

"In the depth of winter,
I finally learned that
within me there lay an
invincible summer"
-Albert Camus

Quick Links

One Person's Story

Kate is a professional and competent practitioner, who immediately put me at ease. I am already benefiting from working with her on confidence and self esteem issues. EFT is such an exciting tool! I'm sure that the results I am already feeling will continue to bring about positive changes as I continue to work with Kate." -B. Macleod, Lic. Acupuncturist

Read about other success stories.
Team Inspiration Partner

FREE Gifts! I am a proud Team Inspiration Partner ofAspire Magazine'sMission to Inspire 100,000 Women in 2010! Get your free one year subscription to Aspire including a multitude of FREE GIFTS from myself and other Team Inspiration partners. Live an Inspired Life Today! Claim your subscription.
Success Coaching with Kate
Kate Beeders | 1-617-733-0737 | email | website

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow

Success Coaching with Kate
Success Minutes
Dear Kate,

What do you want to create in your life? What is your dream? What do you really want? What's stopping you?

Beyond Belief is an inspiring film that will shift your view of reality, and allow you to create for yourself what you once thought to be impossible. This innovative film features experts Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Bob Doyle, Sandra Anne Taylor, Bruce Lipton from The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know, as well as, some of the top authors, researchers, scientists, teachers, psychologists, personal transformation experts, healers and spiritual leaders in the world.

Purchase an EFT session with me and receive 30% off the Beyond Belief DVD.
Save 30%

Limited time offer!
Purchase an EFT session with me in the next
7 days and receive 30% off the Beyond Belief DVD, featuring experts from The Secret,
What the Bleep
and more!
Offer Expires: March 25, 2010
Elizabeth Lesser on Tapping to Success
Elizabeth Lesser

Sunday, March 21, 7 p.m. EST, Listen Live!

Elizabeth Lesser
and I will discuss her best selling book,Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow. Ms. Lesser is the co-founder of Omega Institute, the United States' largest adult education center focusing on health, wellness, spirituality, and creativity. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Growand The Seeker's Guide: Making Your Life a Spiritual Adventure (both from Random House). For more than 30 years Ms. Lesser has studied and worked with leading figures in the fields of healing, spiritual development, and cultural change. Her work at Omega has included helping to run the organization, curriculum development, conference weaving, teaching, and writing the yearly Omega catalog, a reference book that describes the work of some of the most eminent thinkers and practitioners of our times.
Building a Successful Business
Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT Practitioner
Imagine creating a financially and emotionally successful business - doing something you love and are passionate about, while reaping all of the rewards. What if you had a line of customers...and clients on a waiting list? Picture all of these people who want to do business with you. You can have that!

However, as long as you repeat old patterns or allow fears to stop you, you'll be blocking abundance and success from coming into your life. By combining EFTand the Law of Attraction, we'll be eliminating these negatives and start replacing them with positives.

Letting Go of Money Struggles
Wednesday, March 24, 7:30-8:30 pm EST
Are you struggling to pay your bills? Are you worried that not enough steady income is coming in? Is all of this money stress keeping you up at night? As the Law of Attraction states that you'll get what you focus on, we'll be working on eliminating these feelings of "want" and "lack" so you start attracting more money and abundance into your life. Sign up now!

Overcoming Fears of Marketing Yourself
Wednesday, March 31, 7:30-8:30 pm EST
Is it difficult for you to put yourself out there? Are you uncomfortable self promoting? Do you prefer to stay in your comfort zone? Is all of the social media overwhelming and too time consuming for you? We'll be eliminating the fears that are holding you back and leave you feeling more comfortable, in control and excited about marketing a business that you love. Sign up now!

Buy Both And Save!
Imagine releasing thoughts of fear and struggle and replacing them clarity and confidence. This fabulous and powerful series includes two classes and the audios of the class. Experience first hand the benefits of quick changes through EFT. By signing up for both, you'll receive a savings on the purchase of the package and a coupon to save $25 off of an individual session. Sign up now!

Success Tip: How to Make a Vision Board

The idea behind a vision board is to surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have and where you want to live. Your life changes to match those images and desires. Let's get started!

  1. Place a photo of yourself in the center of a poster board. It should be one that you really like where you felt happy and positive.
  2. Go through magazines and websites to gather images and words that strike your fancy. For example, if you want to be at a healthy weight, you might select photos of people with that body type. Also cut out words like healthy, shape, muscles, and toned. Have fun with it.
  3. Select your favorite images and words from the pile and lay them out on the board. You may want to assign a theme to different corners, career, money, relationships and health. Eliminate any images that no longer feel right. If they don't make you feel good or you feel you don't deserve these things, we can work together using EFT to tap out the negative thoughts. Glue everything onto the board.
  4. Place your vision board where you will see it often.
The more you focus on the things you want, the more energy you're creating to attract them to you. Please email me and share what you've created with your vision boards, I'd love to hear about them!
Your path to success begins today. Remember to use your vision board along with EFT/MTT/Tapping to achieve what you desire.

Tapping to success,

Kate Beeders
Success Coaching with Kate
In This Issue
Tapping to Success
Success Tip
"And the time came when the risk to remain tight as a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
-Anais Nin
Quick Links

One Person's Story

"Great session with Kate last week. She was so warm and genuine, clearly interested in helping me achieve my goal. Thanks for a wonderful start on making my professional life more rewarding, looking forward to the next session of EFT and tapping." -Karen

Read about other success stories.
Success Coaching with Kate
Kate Beeders | 1-617-733-0737 | email | website

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Building A Successful Business

Success Minutes
Dear Kate,

Spring is coming. The sun is out in the morning when we wake up and the days are getting longer. The birds are chirping. Soon flowers will start blooming and we'll see beautiful colors everywhere. The changing of the seasons changes our energy. We're all made of energy and the type of energy we put out is the type of energy we will attract. Therefore, it's important to choose the type of energy we are feeling and putting out into the universe. EFT helps us easily and quickly change our energy.

I'm offering a very exciting two-part teleclass aimed at business owners and sales people - but, anyone would benefit from it. The first class focuses on reducing money stress and all of the fears that go along with it, such as not having enough and more going out than coming in. The second class deals with getting people out of their comfort zone to become more confidant about marketing themselves and utilizing all of the different types of social media.
Success Tip
We'll be tapping out these fears and the stress it causes and replacing those thoughts with positive, confident ones - putting you in control! Here's an easy way to create more positive energy. Think about the words you say, especially, first thing in the morning, as that sets the tone for your day. Do you wake up complaining, saying, "I didn't sleep well" or "I have to go to work"? Instead, start to use more optimism when you speak. Think of something you're happy about. Talk about how comfortable your bed is or how you love the smell of your shampoo or the wonderful aroma of the coffee brewing. Think and choose your words carefully. Start with baby steps...try it in little ways and see how you feel. See if you notice a difference in how your day is going. By making these simple changes, speaking more positively instead of negatively, you'll start having a more positive day. Ultimately, this new positive energy you're bringing in will lead to attracting more abundance into your life. If you'd like more information about this or want to share your own successes, I'd love to hear from you.
Building a Successful Business
Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT Practitioner
Imagine creating a financially and emotionally successful business - doing something you love and are passionate about, while reaping all of the rewards. What if you had a line of customers...and clients on a waiting list? Picture all of these people who want to do business with you. You can have that!

However, as long as you repeat old patterns or allow fears to stop you, you'll be blocking abundance and success from coming into your life. By combining EFTand the Law of Attraction, we'll be eliminating these negatives and start replacing them with positives.

Letting Go of Money Struggles
Wednesday, March 24, 7:30-8:30 pm EST
Are you struggling to pay your bills? Are you worried that not enough steady income is coming in? Is all of this money stress keeping you up at night? As the Law of Attraction states that you'll get what you focus on, we'll be working on eliminating these feelings of "want" and "lack" so you start attracting more money and abundance into your life. Sign up now!

Overcoming Fears of Marketing Yourself
Wednesday, March 31, 7:30-8:30 pm EST
Is it difficult for you to put yourself out there? Are you uncomfortable self promoting? Do you prefer to stay in your comfort zone? Is all of the social media overwhelming and too time consuming for you? We'll be eliminating the fears that are holding you back and leave you feeling more comfortable, in control and excited about marketing a business that you love. Sign up now!

Buy Both And Save!
Imagine releasing thoughts of fear and struggle and replacing them clarity and confidence. This fabulous and powerful series includes two classes and the audios of the class. Experience first hand the benefits of quick changes through EFT. By signing up for both, you'll receive a savings on the purchase of the package and a coupon to save $25 off of an individual session. Sign up now!

Elizabeth Lesser on Tapping to Success
Elizabeth Lesser

Sunday, March 21, 7 p.m. EST
Elizabeth Lesser
, co-founder of the Omega Institute, frequent guest on Oprah, radio host on Oprah network, will be discussing her best selling book Broken Open.

The Tapping to Success radio show, is broadcast live on Energy Talk Radio and BlogTalkRadio
Start making those changes now, contact me for your FREE 15 minute success consultation.

Tapping to success,

Kate Beeders
Success Coaching with Kate
In This Issue
Tapping to Success
"Every man is the architect of his own fortune." -Sallust
Quick Links

One Person's Story

"I'm back from my trip today, and I must tell you that EFT worked beautifully for me in advance of the plane flight over to Rome. I tapped the night before, the morning of, in the cab to the airport and at the airport and that's all I needed. That was it. I had no issues flying was a piece of cake, and didn't even tap. So, I feel great progress was made. So, thank you again for your last minute help and support."
- Anonymous

Read about other success stories.
Team Inspiration Partner

FREE Gifts! I am a proud Team Inspiration Partner ofAspire Magazine'sMission to Inspire 100,000 Women in 2010! Get your free one year subscription to Aspire including a multitude of FREE GIFTS from myself and other Team Inspiration partners. Live an Inspired Life Today! Claim your subscription.
