FREE Teleclass CONQUER EMOTIONAL EATNG FOREVER!Wedneday, June 2, 2010 - 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST Dear Kate, Are you ready to Conquer Emotional Eating Forever? I'm going to show you how! Lots of people have made the transformation and permanently lost weight using EFT (tapping). And now you can learn the proven technique for permanent weight loss specifically designed for my clients just like you! Sign up for this five-part Teleclass series starting Wednesday, June 2 at 7:30pm EST/4:30pm PST. Have you reserved your seat yet? Here's the link so you can join us for the first FREE Teleclass. Here's what you're going to learn on the FREE call: - Why removing the emotional reasons that we overeat is the most effective way to get to and maintain your healthy weight!
- Several tapping sequences to start releasing these negative emotions
- How to reduce your craving intensity for your trigger foods - that 3 pm go-to food (potato chips, cookies, candy...) and put your CONTROL IN YOUR FINGERTIPS!
- The #1 mistake we all make is having spent hundreds - if not, thousands of dollars on every type of diet around. Maybe you've had some success but it's always short-term - it doesn't last - and those pounds start creeping back up on you- and you're back to your original weight - if not more. You'll be thrilled to learn how easy it is to handle the weight issues permanently.
Plus, I'll be sharing with you how you can join me on my FIRST EVER Live Teleclass Series on Conquering Emotional Eating Forever! Maybe you're a yo-yo dieter or maybe you've been struggling with weight issues most of your life. This is going to shake up the diet industry by going after the emotional reasons we eat. Wherever you are, you will learn the secret to weight control because we are going to eliminate the emotional reasons we eat. If we don't clear those up, we're destined to keep failing and struggling with weight issues. If you've ever had a private session with me, you know it's life changing and loaded with the EXACTmethod of helping you make the transformation you desire. Here's that link again to reserve your spot in this complimentary teleclass. Hugs, Kate Beeders Success Coaching with Kate P.S. Feel free to invite family, friends and colleagues to this call, but please remember to reserve your spot HERE first as space is limited! P.P.S. Even if you can't make the call on June 2nd, grab your seat now and we'll send you the playback. By registering for this teleclass you accept the terms of our disclaimer. |