Wednesday, December 28, 2011

(gift for you) Celebrate your success!

It’s the end of the year, time for the holidays and you’re wrapping up your year’s end and thinking about next year. You’re wondering what will 2012 bring?

Recently, I spoke to one of my private clients and we reviewed all she’s accomplished in the last few months of us working together (including significantly increasing her income!). She shared with me how she had a party to celebrate and honor her successes. I thought that was a fabulous idea!

So, as you’re saying goodbye to 2011, take time to celebrate and honor all you’ve accomplished this past year.

For a lot of you, it’s hard to say “thank you” and take that time to be proud of yourself.

Here’s a tapping script to help you celebrate 2011 and move forward into 2012:*

Karate Chop: Even though, I don’t know if I deserve to celebrate this past year, I want to love and accept myself

Karate Chop: Even though, I’m not sure if I deserve to be proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished this past year, I want to love and accept myself

Karate Chop:
Even though, it’s hard for me to accept all I’ve accomplished, I want to start letting some of that difficulty go, and I love and accept myself for doing that

Inner Eye: It’s hard for me to celebrate
Outer Eye: It’s hard for me to be proud of myself
Under Eye: I don’t take the time to do that
Under Nose: I just keep moving forward
Chin: It’s easier to focus on my mistakes
Collar Bone: It’s easier to focus on where I fell short
Under Arm: I’m not used to taking time to focu s on what I did right
Top of Head: It’s easier to be critical on all that I haven’t done
Inner Eye: I’m not used to treating myself differently
Outer Eye: But what if I started do things differently
Under Eye: Starting to notice some of the good things I’ve done
Under Nose: Taking a minute to be appreciative
Chin: Taking a moment to be present and enjoy it
Collar Bone: What if I tried that as an experiment
Under Arm: To talk to myself in a kind way
Top of Head: To let myself know I’ve done a good job
Inner Eye: To do this as an experiment and see how it feels
Outer Eye: If I like it, I can keep doing more of it
Under Eye: Rewarding myself for the good things I’ve done
Under Nose: Being proud of my successes
Chin: Whether they’re big or little successes
Collar Bone: What if I even did a gratitude dance when good things happen
Under Arm: I’ll bet the more I focused on the good things I’ve done
Top of Head: The more successes I can celebrate

*Please remember that tapping is meant to be very gentle and you are responsible for your own mental health.

The next step for you to do is to develop your marketing plan for 2012 and make sure you’ve included your vacation time in that plan. For help creating your ideal marketing plan, contact us at

Listen to the audio of the article and tapping script :

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

To get the audios of the radio show emailed directly to you at no charge, please sign up:

January 11, Cindy Schulson,
Founder of, shares a whole new way of thinking about your niche so you can finally discover your perfect niche and attract your ideal clients.

To listen live, click here.

January 18, Andrea J. Lee
, Wealthy Thought Leader, talking about income through innovation for the future-minded entrepreneur

To listen live, click here.

January 25, Sheri McConnell
, CEO of the Smart Women’s Institute, empowering women to live healthy, wealthy and smart

To listen live, click here.

“Kate is very good, quick and efficient. Her work is very much about Be, Do, Have. Expect massive energy shifts and major breakthroughs. To quote Master Card the results are priceless”

– Andrew Joy

Have you created your marketing plan for 2012 yet? That’s the topic for the January Money Attraction Inner Circle call. Your marketing plan is your road map for your financial success and is necessary for you to reach the income you desire. Join us on the January call, I’ll be sharing with you the key ingredients for your marketing plan with lots of time for Q & A afterwards (even if you can’t make the call, we’ll send you the recording afterwards). You’ll also get access to our wonderful forum, post your questions/comments there and connect with the other fabulous members. Save 50% off when you sign up today & January BONUS CALL!

December 23: VIP Day for Private Client

January 4: VIP Day for Private Client

January 11: Interviewed for Cindy Schulson’s Expert Interview Series

January 24: Speaking at Women in Business Network

Kate Beeders is a success coach, specializing in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs make more money FAST!!! She has developed a powerful technique which combines her business development expertise, Tapping, and the Law of Attraction that helps her clients get their expertise out into the world in a bigger way…they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money, and develop more self-confidence. Many even double their income in a few short months!

As a highly sought after Thought Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 Tapping World Summit, with over 300,000 listeners worldwide and is a certified EFT/MTT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction.

To get your F*REE Success Tips report, please click here.

A great big welcome to all the new readers who’ve just joined our Success Community! You’re going to love the resources you will find here to help you attract more abundance into your business and life…Enjoy!

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S. Join the Money Attraction Inner Circle and save 50% today & January Bonus Call

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are we meeting at 1pm today?

"If I am not for myself, then who will be for me?

And if I am only for myself, then what am I?

And if not now, when?" ~ Rabbi Hillel

That quote is another one of my favorites and I read it during last Thursday's call "Get unstuck, get moving, get the cash flowing".

The bonus call is TODAY at 1pm EST. It's going to be a follow up from last week's call and most of the time will be devoted to Live Q & A. What question will you bring me for some on-the-spot coaching? What's holding you back from reaching your dreams?

My specialty is helping solopreneurs make more money FAST, by releasing the blocks holding them back, and then putting into place strong action steps. This is my proven system that worked for both my clients and me. I want to help you move your business forward.

All you need to do is join the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC) using my$4.95 Special Introductory Offer and you'll get access to today's Bonus Call. This gives you the opportunity to try the MAIC at very low risk to you. This couldn't be any easier for you. If it's not right, you can leave at any time.

But, what if it is right? What if it's exactly what you need to move your business forward? What's it worth to you to get another able to charge more money for your services...set boundaries...sleep at night..stop procrastinating....and so on?

That's why you need to meet me at 1pm TODAY. (if you can't make the live call, we'll be sending out the audio afterwards. You can also post your question on the member's only forum). Don't you owe it to yourself to find out?

Click here to join me at 1pm today:

Tapping to success,


Kate Beeders

Helping solopreneurs make more money....FAST!!!

Host of "Tapping to Success" radio show

P.S. You can still listen to the call:

P.S.S. Learn how you can come to TODAY'S LIVE BONUS CALL and ask all your burning questions!

P.S.S.S. Questions:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

what are you going to ask? (open today)

The LIVE BONUS CALL is Thursday, 12/15 (tomorrow). It’s going to be full of Q & A – so bring your most pressing questions. It’s your chance to get on-the-spot coaching with me.

Join the Money Attraction Inner Circle and be part of the call. I'm offering you a special introductory offer and a Live Bonus Call for ONLY $4.95. This special ends soon and I may never offer it again!

Sign up for the call:

What’s blocking your success?

What questions are you going to ask me tomorrow?

*You’re not able to charge what you’re worth?

*You’re afraid there’s too much competition?

*You’ll have too work too hard?

*You’re overwhelmed?

*You don’t believe you can be successful in this economy?

*You’re not comfortable getting out there and marketing yourself?

*You’re afraid to say “no”?

*You’re always chasing after the shiny objects and not making progress?

*You’re playing the good month/bad month game?

*This list could go on and on and on (I could fill up pages with blocks) …..but usually, the big block (deep down) is that you don’t believe you deserve success

I’ve helped my clients clear out all of those blocks and so many more. (If you missed my live call, you can listen here where I talked about many of these blocks:

My special formula is a combination of my expertise is these 3 areas: Business Development, Law(s) of Attraction and Tapping. That’s how my help my clients quickly and easily release blocks in the way, and move them forward with positive action steps to they get the results they want. That’s how I’m going to help you on the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC).

Ready to release your blocks and move forward?

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: You can still listen to last week's call:

P.S.S.: Learn how you can come to the next Live Bonus call and ask all your burning questions!

P.S.S.: Questions? Contact: Info

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who aren't you helping?

A few days ago, I was speaking to one of my private clients who shared that she had just had a 6-figure launch (her first!). This is huge! The reason it’s so important is not only for her financial success, but also because of all of the people she’s now helping. All of the people who’s lives will now change because of her services, and, then in turn, all of the people those people will be helping. Again, this is huge!

(Did you miss my call where my talked about this? ) Listen here:

When you play small, and don’t get your expertise out in as BIG a way as possible, you’re not helping people. That’s the bottom line.

Didn’t you start your own business because you had a special way to help people – whether through a service or through a product? When you stay blocked, you’re restricting yourself and you’re not helping those people you started out to help.

My expertise is helping solopreneurs quickly release the blocks holding them back from having the success and making the money they want. Just the fact that you haven’t signed up yet, is a block. Think about it. What do you have to lose? I made a special introductory offer of $4.95 and a Live Bonus Call (Thursday, 12/15) to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC). On Thursday's call, you'll have the chance for on-the-spot coachingwith me.

What are you afraid of? That you’ll have to work too hard? That you can’t be successful in this economy? You’re uncomfortable with money? This isn’t a good time? Or the big one – that you don’t deserve success?

What do you have to gain? The possibilities are endless. We will work together to clear out those blocks holding you back. You'll become more comfortable with'll be able to set boundaries.... you'll understand this is the best time for you to do this.... you'll have work/life balance and that you'll know that YOU ARE WORTHY OF SUCCESS (and so much more!). Imagine the types of business success you will have once that changes for you!

This is one of my favorite poems (Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson) that I often read at my workshops:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. ?Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. ?It is our light, not our darkness?That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves?Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous??Actually, who are you not to be? ?You are a child of God.

Your playing small ?Does not serve the world. ?There's nothing enlightened about shrinking ?So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, ?As children do. ?We were born to make manifest ?The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; ?It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, ?We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. ?As we're liberated from our own fear, ?Our presence automatically liberates others.”

It's time for you to start helping more people. Join us in the Money Attraction Inner Circle:

If you have any questions about the Money Attraction Inner Circle, please email us:

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: If you're ready for the $4.95 offer and SPECIAL BONUS CALL -

P.S.S : If you have any questions, please email my team:

What's your most pressing ?

What’s your most pressing question? Or, my favorite question to ask you is: “what’s blocking your success?

This Thursday, December 15th, I’ll be holding a Live Bonus Call as a follow up from my “Get unstuck, get moving, get the cash flowing” call. There’s going to be lots and lots of time for listeners, like you, to ask me questions and get some on-the-spot coaching.

My expertise is helping solopreneurs make more money FAST. I’m very action-oriented, so the Bonus Call promises to be full of lots of great information to help move you forward quickly. I want 2012 to be a wonderful and successful year for you

I made it real easy (actually, a no-brainer) for you to take this step, by offering a $4.95 introductory offer to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC).

Ready to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle and participate in this call, click here:

Here’s what listeners are saying about last Thursday’s call:

“Hi Kate - such a great presentation. Right afterwards I signed up at a center to book space by the hour. I can expand as much as I require - which will become 4 days per month. Looking forward to everything. Thanks” - Jenn Price-Jones

“Hello Kate, I really liked what you did with the call and I appreciate that you made it available to us all. I can see that what you have to offer has a lot of value to people like me who are working from a deeper space. Thanks again.” ~Sharon Bosmoore.

If you missed last Thursday’s call, you can listen here:

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: You can still listen to the call:

P.S.S.: Learn how you can come to the next Live Bonus call and ask all your burning questions!

© 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

What's your most pressing ?

What’s your most pressing question? Or, my favorite question to ask you is: “what’s blocking your success?

This Thursday, December 15th, I’ll be holding a Live Bonus Call as a follow up from my “Get unstuck, get moving, get the cash flowing” call. There’s going to be lots and lots of time for listeners, like you, to ask me questions and get some on-the-spot coaching.

My expertise is helping solopreneurs make more money FAST. I’m very action-oriented, so the Bonus Call promises to be full of lots of great information to help move you forward quickly. I want 2012 to be a wonderful and successful year for you

I made it real easy (actually, a no-brainer) for you to take this step, by offering a $4.95 introductory offer to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC).

Ready to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle and participate in this call, click here:

Here’s what listeners are saying about last Thursday’s call:

“Hi Kate - such a great presentation. Right afterwards I signed up at a center to book space by the hour. I can expand as much as I require - which will become 4 days per month. Looking forward to everything. Thanks” - Jenn Price-Jones

“Hello Kate, I really liked what you did with the call and I appreciate that you made it available to us all. I can see that what you have to offer has a lot of value to people like me who are working from a deeper space. Thanks again.” ~Sharon Bosmoore.

If you missed last Thursday’s call, you can listen here:

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: You can still listen to the call:

P.S.S.: Learn how you can come to the next Live Bonus call and ask all your burning questions!

Friday, December 9, 2011

$4.95 & BONUS "live" call (open today)

Yesterday's webinar “Get unstuck, get moving, get the cash flowing" was great. Hundreds of you joined myMoney Attraction Inner Circle December call today. Attendees got lots of great information, started shifting beliefs that they could (and would) be successful and got action steps to get them on their way towards more success (and money) in their business.

I'm going to be holding an additional Live Bonus call on 12/15 - you want to be there! There's going to be lots & lots of time for live Q & A. There were so many questions that listeners had so I want to try to answer as many as possible!

Here’s why you want to listen:

"…and this Teleclass was super! You delivered a tremendous class! Many thanks! ~ Dr. Jackie Black

“Today's call was great!! Your tapping statements were the best I've heard, right on the money for me!! As well as I loved the second part of the set up statement, "but I'm willing to..." I'm glad there's a recording, so I can listen again. Thank you so much & have a bountiful day.” ~ Dawn

Listen to the audio and check out the special offer I made during the call.

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: You can still listen to the call:

P.S.S.: Learn how you can come to the next Live Bonus call and ask all your burning questions!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Webinar is tomorrow

Tomorrow's the call, and I know you’ve gotten more email from me than usual, but I wanted to make sure you knew about this webinar. The response has been overwhelmingly positive – everyone seems really interested in this call. I’m getting email after email about it – so, I’m very excited and hope you are, too!

So, here’s why everyone’s so excited!

Setting goals and reaching them is one of my expertises. If you’re experiencing internal blocks to creating the prosperity you desire and deserve in your business, have I got a treat for you!

Each month my VIP “Inner Circle” members meet on a special members-only call where I guide them in breaking through their blocks to prosperity. I also help them get clear on what action to take and how to get rid of their energy drainers so they can align with the income they want.

And because they are Inner Circle members, they get all of this at a fraction of the price of working with me 1:1.

Well, guess what? This month, I’m letting non-members like you in on this amazing Inner Circle experience.

Let’s face it, if all it took was following a step-by-step set of action steps, every entrepreneur would be achieving big success.

But you and I know that success is an inside job -- and I can tell you from personal experience that once you release what’s blocking you, you can create more income very quickly.

In my first year in business, I made very close to 6 figures even as a "newbie" … not by following a "magic formula" for marketing, but by creating success from the inside out.

Yes, I worked hard. Yes, I made some mistakes. But I’d call 6 figures in 1 year pretty darn rapid success, wouldn't you? I did it by releasing the blocks I had inside to creating the income I desired, and I want to share with you exactly how I did it so you can experience it, too. By releasing these blocks, I attracted incredible opportunities most people only dream of!

I hope you’ll join me TOMORROW December 8 at 1pm EST to:

* Learn how to set goals for 2012 that enable you to get out of your own way;

* Uncover the hidden reason you’re not creating the income you desire and deserve;

* Experience “live” the exact method I used to release what was blocking me from rapid success;

* Ask your questions and get solid advice from a pro (me!) who has been there;

* Get clear on your next step so you stop spinning your wheels.

This isn’t a listen and let-it-go call. My members are people who are ready to dig in and break free from what’s holding them back. You’ll be given prep work for the call, in fact, so if you sign up, come prepared!

If you’d like to get in on this special opportunity, just sign up using the link below, and I’ll send you your prep work.

Here's the link to sign up:


*Live callers will have the choice to listen by phone or thru the internet for the webinar*

(even if you can't make the live call, sign up anyways and I'll be sending the audio out afterwards)

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: A special gift will be given to all listeners on the call @

P.S.S.: Even if you can't make the "live" call, sign up. We'll be sending out the audio afterwards

© 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why didn't he fall?

Have you seen the Sundance Award-Winning movie "Man on Wire"? It's a true story about a young Frenchman, Phillipe Petit, a tightrope walker, who sets a goal to walk between the two World Trade Center buildings in 1974. I just saw this film this past week and I can't stop thinking about it. The obvious reason, is because of what happened to the the two buildings on 9/11. But, once I got past that and focused on the story, I enjoyed the film because it really focused on how important goal setting and trust is. I don't want to spoil the film for you, but I highly recommend it.

Setting goals and reaching them is one of my expertises. If you’re experiencing internal blocks to creating the prosperity you desire and deserve in your business, have I got a treat for you!

Each month my VIP “Inner Circle” members meet on a special members-only call where I guide them in breaking through their blocks to prosperity. I also help them get clear on what action to take and how to get rid of their energy drainers so they can align with the income they want.

And because they are Inner Circle members, they get all of this at a fraction of the price of working with me 1:1.

Well, guess what? This month, I’m letting non-members like you in on this amazing Inner Circle experience.

Let’s face it, if all it took was following a step-by-step set of action steps, every entrepreneur would be achieving big success.

But you and I know that success is an inside job -- and I can tell you from personal experience that once you release what’s blocking you, you can create more income very quickly.

In my first year in business, I made very close to 6 figures even as a "newbie" … not by following a "magic formula" for marketing, but by creating success from the inside out.

Yes, I worked hard. Yes, I made some mistakes. But I’d call 6 figures in 1 year pretty darn rapid success, wouldn't you? I did it by releasing the blocks I had inside to creating the income I desired, and I want to share with you exactly how I did it so you can experience it, too. By releasing these blocks, I attracted incredible opportunities most people only dream of!

I hope you’ll join me December 8 at 1pm EST to:

* Learn how to set goals for 2012 that enable you to get out of your own way;

* Uncover the hidden reason you’re not creating the income you desire and deserve;

* Experience “live” the exact method I used to release what was blocking me from rapid success;

* Ask your questions and get solid advice from a pro (me!) who has been there;

* Get clear on your next step so you stop spinning your wheels.

This isn’t a listen and let-it-go call. My members are people who are ready to dig in and break free from what’s holding them back. You’ll be given prep work for the call, in fact, so if you sign up, come prepared!

If you’d like to get in on this special opportunity, just sign up using the link below, and I’ll send you your prep work.

Here's the link to sign up:


"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: A special gift will be given to all listeners on the call @

P.S.S.: Even if you can't make the "live" call, sign up. We'll be sending out the audio afterwards
