A few days ago, I was speaking to one of my private clients who shared that she had just had a 6-figure launch (her first!). This is huge! The reason it’s so important is not only for her financial success, but also because of all of the people she’s now helping. All of the people who’s lives will now change because of her services, and, then in turn, all of the people those people will be helping. Again, this is huge! (Did you miss my call where my talked about this? ) Listen here: http://www.successcoachingwithKate.com/innercircle When you play small, and don’t get your expertise out in as BIG a way as possible, you’re not helping people. That’s the bottom line. Didn’t you start your own business because you had a special way to help people – whether through a service or through a product? When you stay blocked, you’re restricting yourself and you’re not helping those people you started out to help. My expertise is helping solopreneurs quickly release the blocks holding them back from having the success and making the money they want. Just the fact that you haven’t signed up yet, is a block. Think about it. What do you have to lose? I made a special introductory offer of $4.95 and a Live Bonus Call (Thursday, 12/15) to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC). On Thursday's call, you'll have the chance for on-the-spot coachingwith me. http://www.successcoachingwithKate.com/innercirclenow What are you afraid of? That you’ll have to work too hard? That you can’t be successful in this economy? You’re uncomfortable with money? This isn’t a good time? Or the big one – that you don’t deserve success? What do you have to gain? The possibilities are endless. We will work together to clear out those blocks holding you back. You'll become more comfortable with money...you'll be able to set boundaries.... you'll understand this is the best time for you to do this.... you'll have work/life balance and that you'll know that YOU ARE WORTHY OF SUCCESS (and so much more!). Imagine the types of business success you will have once that changes for you! This is one of my favorite poems (Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson) that I often read at my workshops: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. ?Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. ?It is our light, not our darkness?That most frightens us. We ask ourselves?Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous??Actually, who are you not to be? ?You are a child of God. Your playing small ?Does not serve the world. ?There's nothing enlightened about shrinking ?So that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, ?As children do. ?We were born to make manifest ?The glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; ?It's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, ?We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. ?As we're liberated from our own fear, ?Our presence automatically liberates others.” It's time for you to start helping more people. Join us in the Money Attraction Inner Circle: http://www.successcoachingwithKate.com/innercirclenow If you have any questions about the Money Attraction Inner Circle, please email us: Info@successcoachingwithKate.com "The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha Tapping to success, ...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!! Radio Host of "Tapping To Success" P.S.: If you're ready for the $4.95 offer and SPECIAL BONUS CALL -http://www.successcoachingwithKate.com/innercirclenow P.S.S : If you have any questions, please email my team: Info@successcoachingwithKate.com |