In my last ezine article (here’s the link if you missed it:, I wrote about being able to trust and let go. That’s so important in business so you can surround yourself with people that can actually support you! BUT, it can be difficult because so often we believe that no one else can do it as well as we can.While visiting my sister recently in Lancaster, PA, I saw a white pumpkin. I never even knew they existed. It was so cool looking, I had to take a picture to share with you. Ok, I admit it - I get very excited about these type of things! They make me happy.

If you’re the one making ALL the changes on your website, handling ALL of the marketing, doing ALL of the operational tasks, you have created a problem for yourself. You’re not leaving time to focus on your expertise, earn money and time to have fun BECAUSE you’re always working!
In the last issue, I gave you business suggestions for this topic.
Here’s the tapping script I promised to help you start release your limiting beliefs about this: *
Karate Chop: (repeat 3 times) Even though, I’m afraid that whomever I hire won’t do it the job as well as I can, I want to love & accept myself
Inner Eye: I’m afraid no one will do it as well
Outer Eye: I can just imagine all of the mistakes they’ll make
Under Eye: I’ll have to watch over their work closely
Under Nose: That will be so annoying to me
Chin: It’s easier to just do it myself
Collar Bone: I don’t know if I can trust them
Under Arm: I know I’ll do the job perfectly
Head: I won’t make any mistakes
Inner Eye: But if I’m always doing everything that leaves no time for me
Outer Eye: I’ll be working all of the time
Under Eye: My life won’t be any fun and I’ll be tired
Under Nose: That would be really horrible and I will make mistakes
Chin: What if I could find someone that I could work with
Collar Bone: And I spent time in the beginning training that person
Under Arm: So I was able to create a really good way of working together
Head: Learn to start trusting that person
*Please remember that tapping is meant to be very gentle and you are responsible for your own mental health.
To learn how to keep moving forward to be able to trust and let go, please contact us at:
Here’s the link to listen to the article:

Is your business stuck? You're not getting the clients, opportunities, or money you want and deserve. Maybe you're afraid to talk about money with potential clients and as a result you aren't charging what you're worth? Maybe you're so overwhelmed all of the time, you don't know where to start, so you're missing out on opportunities? Or perhaps, you're not comfortable getting out there and marketing yourself in a truly authentic way and potential clients aren't finding you? Or, ( and this is the BIGGIE) , deep down, you don't believe you're worthy of success?
If you've got blocks- whether they are based on your beliefs, experiences or thoughts, you'll never continually have the success you desire. I specialize in helping solopreneurs make more money...FAST! If you're ready to start clearing out the blocks holding you back, change your mindset and get on the path to success, check out Money Attraction Inner Circle & save up to 50% off if you sign up NOW! Click here.

To get the audios of the radio show emailed directly to you at no charge, please sign up:

Kiva Leatherman is the Founder and President of the Wise Women Network, which inspires and teaches women to live up to their worth – emotionally, physically and financially.
In this call you will learn: Five shifts
*Why it is vital that women know about the practical AND the energetic sides of the money equationin thinking about investing that embrace a more feminine approach than what you’ve been taught
*The definition of personal currency and WHY it is the most valuable asset in your life.
*How to create the buckets you need to find success in your business and keep more of what you earn!
To listen live on Wednesday, November 9 at 12pm EST, click here.

Live and unplugged! Join us as Michele PW, Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist (click here to learn more), critiques actual online copy from entrepreneurs just like you and shares her secrets on how you can make your websites and sales letters go Ka-Ching!
This is for you if you want to see how copy can bring you more leads, clients, customers and sales (no theory -- this is all practical and based on what's working NOW -- not what used to work or what "should" work). Join us to get the latest and greatest on getting BIG results with your online copy.
Michele will be choosing 3 or 4 pages to review. Send your link to your website/sales page, your name, time zone, email address by November 21. To be considered, you must be available and have access to call in (to a U.S. phone number) during the show time for Michele’s critique. (We will let you know if you’ve been chosen by Michele.)
To listen live on Wednesday, November 30 at 12pm EST, click here.

November 17: interviewed by Gary Williams,
November 21: interviewed by Kiva Leatherman,

Kate Beeders is a success coach, specializing in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs make more money FAST!!! She has developed a powerful technique which combines her business development expertise, Tapping, and the Law of Attraction that helps her clients get their expertise out into the world in a bigger way…they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money, and develop more self-confidence. Many even double their income in a few short months!
As a highly sought after Thought Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 Tapping World Summit, with over 300,000 listeners worldwide and is a certified EFT/MTT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.
Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction.
To get your F*REE Success Tips report, please click here.
A great big welcome to all the new readers who’ve just joined our Success Community! You’re going to love the resources you will find here to help you attract more abundance into your business and life…Enjoy!
Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!
Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"
P.S. To learn how to move forward to be able to trust and let go, please contact us at:
P.S.S. Join the Money Attraction Inner Circle for as low as $49.50/month -