Friday, November 18, 2011

Are you leaving money on the table?

Are you leaving money on the table by writing off 2011? Here’s why you shouldn’t. There are 6 weeks left!!!

Keep reading if you'd like help reaching your goals this year...

Many solopreneurs have already put a "closed" sign up for any new business for the rest of the year. They are just waiting for next January to start taking action again.

(Last year I probably made about 30% of my annual income between the two holidays!!!)

Here's one of my client's December Success Story:

"Kate, coming up on December I was just thinking back to our session last year at this time. My how things change when I let go of limiting beliefs! I set up the session last year with you because I was worried about how I would pay my bills until January and wanted to shift my energy about it.

I had never made ANY money in December in my business! I had pretty much given up on it ever happening. I was afraid to market to people, in fact. As we tapped on this, a belief came up that I didn't believe people would buy from me in December because of the holidays.

When I released this belief by working with you, within 24 hours I had an idea of something I could offer that was perfect. I had 15 eager buyers , which ultimately turned into even more income as some of these folks bought higher ticket programs the following year.

The real reason I'm writing you, though, is because I'm smiling looking ahead at next month. I fully expect to bring in $10,000 or more, and I have NO worries inside about how this will happen or whether it's even possible.

THANK YOU for helping me believe that my business year doesn't end November 20, but December 31st!"
~Beth Grant, Spiritual Mentor

In case you’re just getting to know me, I help solopreneurs make more money FAST!. That’s my expertise. I did it for myself and do that with my private clients. (You can even check out my clients’ results @

Would you like help reaching your financial goals this year? Answer these few questions in the space below and send this back to me. I will personally respond to all email that are sent to me by Wednesday, November 23rd.

1. Tell me about your business?

2. Based on a scale of 0 – 10, how close are you to reaching your financial goals this year? (0= very far away & 10= reached my goals)

3. If you’re not at a “10”, why do you think you haven’t reached your goals?

4. Based on a scale of 0-10, how much do you believe you can reach your financial goals this year? (10 = I can do it! & 0 = I don’t believe I ever can)

6. How would your life change if you reached your goals?

7. Your name, email address, website and location?

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S. Please forward this email along
