How many times have you caught yourself this week saying you’re going to get something done, but hours, days, weeks, even months have gone by and next thing you know, it’s still not done. Then do you start doing this? Do you start beating yourself up – do you start saying “OMG, can I ever possibly achieve this goal? And now, what’s happening… it’s slipping away likes it’s just a dream that you don’t deserve. Next thing you know, those dreams, those goals that you really wanted are nothing but a distant memory. And the procrastinator inside of you has won again.
In case you're just getting to know me, I specialize in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST! I do this by helping them release the blocks holding them back and then give them the action steps they need to move forward. That's my expertise. I did it for myself and do that with my private clients
“Since I started w orking with Kate I have twice as many clients. More importantly I have three times as much confidence in the worth of my work financially and its value for the clients ,this makes networking flow easily and naturally. Thanks Kate.” ~Norah Sweetman
Would you like help reaching your financial goals this year?
I decided to open up 10 spots to coach with me for 30 minutes. There's no cost to you (it's a $250 value) - it's my GIFT to you. It's my 30-minute "Money Attraction Discovery Session".
There's no pre-written agenda, but I'll be asking you questions to learn more about you and your business to see if I can help you. I'll offer suggestions where they're appropriate. I might offer recommendations of a book to read, a resource to get or possibly to coach with me. I won't know until we talk what will be best for you.
(The last time I offered this, the response was overwhelming, so it's important you respond right away to be considered)
Here's how it works:
- Simply "hit" reply, answer a few easy questions and send it back to me.
- Respond back by Sunday, January 29th at midnight EST
- I'll let you know after Tuesday, Jan 31st, if you got a spot
-IMPORTANT: You must answer ALL the questions to be eligible for this gift breakthrough session. Any received with missing info will be deleted. ==================
1. What is your name, business website and tell me a little bit about your business?
2. Why did you start your business?
3. When it comes to having a more successful business, what are your biggest challenges?
4. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest), how important is it to you to get these solved...and why?
5. . What is the #1 obstacle that's kept you from solving these challenges?
6. Based on your current income, where would you like your income to be in 6 months? 12 Months? (Please be realistic, but have it be a bit of a stretch)
7. Are you considering hiring a coach?
8. What is your phone number, time zone and email address?
"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha
Tapping to success, 
...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!! Radio Host of "Tapping To Success" P.S. Please forward this along to any solopreneurs who might be interested |