Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mind Movies

Success Coaching with Kate
Today's The Day!
Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT PractitionerDear Kate

Just a quick note because I don't want you to
miss this and I don't want to miss it either!

Today is the day you can get your Mind Movies 2.0
Creation Kit at 11 a.m. Pacific right here:
But there's a problem...

The guys at Mind Movies are only able to offer the
incredible Mind Movies 2.0 software at the hugely
discounted price with all the extras to the first few
thousand people that make it through the doors today.

And frankly, these folks hugely UNDER estimated
the response they'd get when they started giving
away those brand new pre- made Mind Movies and the
'Mind Mastery Video Series'.

So they're sweating it out, because there is
a very good possibility they could sell out today.

As if that weren't enough, they kind of threw
gasoline on the flames when they heaped on
over $1,500 worth of bonuses!
Just between you and me, the bonuses alone
rock the house.

If for some strange reason you're still undecided,
check out all the extras you're going to get
with your Mind Movie 2.0 Creation Kit right here:

And then, get real smart real fast.
Get moving and get this while you can!

OK, that's it for now. I'm off to get mine.

Here's to masterful manifesting,

P.S. Since there are over 200,000 people
hammering at the gates, you might have
some trouble getting through at 11 a.m. Pacific.

Don't panic! I think you'll still be good to go
even if you have to wait a few hours to get through.

P.P.S You can check your time zone here.
The Launch is 11AM PST or 2PM EST today
Thursday, August 5th:

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