Sunday, March 4, 2012

(video) why my accountant high-fived me

This past month something hilarious happened. My accountant, who I see only at tax time, high-fived me.

Yes, this somewhat geeky, conservative number-cruncher was so excited about what he saw, he jumped
out of his seat and gave me a high-five!

Why? You’ll have a chance to learn more in a moment, but first I want to check in with you.

Did you use what I gave you to work on releasing your blocks around money, self-worth, self-confidence
and procrastination?

(If you missed the videos, you can get replays here):

Imagine what will happen when you release the rest of what’s holding you back. When your external results
reflect the new you on the inside – a confident business owner who gladly receives the money you are
worth and moves forward with “possibilities” energy!

You’re invited to one final training, so be sure to watch this short video to get all the details, including
why my accountant was so excited that day!

What I want to share with you in this training can’t be packed into a 10-minute video, so I’m going
to hold a live call where I’ll show you how to:

  • Double your income in six months
  • Reduce your stress
  • Release your blocks to receiving the abundance you desire and deserve.

Sign up here:

What I shared with you so far in the videos, as powerful as those processes are, is just the tip of the iceberg
when it comes to the possibilities that exist for you as an entrepreneur.

Get signed up right away:

You’re going to love hearing the details on why I made my accountant’s day!

When you release what holds you back on the inside, you can achieve external results beyond your wildest dreams.

Be Brilliant,


PS This is a LIVE call, so get signed up now and mark your calendar for this powerful training. Here’s that link

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

[Video] If you don't believe in yourself, why should they?

Dear Kate,

I hope your week is going brilliantly.

What did you think of last week's video on releasing beliefs around money? I would love to see you charging what you're worth and breaking through the financial ceiling your old beliefs imposed on you!

Click here if you missed the last video:Â

When you free yourself from what's holding you back, you can rapidly shift your results outside. I know; I've done it for myself and I help clients do it every day.

In today's video, I'm going to walk you through step by step how to break free from another major point where entrepreneurs get "stuck."

It's when you feel that crack in your confidence (or maybe more than just a crack) and you struggle with your self-worth.

You start second-guessing your decisions. You encounter a string of prospective clients who ask you for a discount and you begin to wonder if you're not worth that rate after all.

Your faith in yourself and what's possible begins to wane and you wonder if the effort you're putting in is worth it - if you're worth it.

When you lack confidence, it affects your success big time. It's like people can feel you're not strong in what you're doing, where you're going and what you're recommending, so they tend to back off from buying from you.

Here are some ways I've seen lack of confidence show up for clients:

  • You stop offering your higher-end solutions because you're afraid of scaring people off - and you're not sure you're really worth that kind of money after all.
  • You become overwhelmed with worry about which choice to make in your marketing, second-guessing yourself, and end up spinning in circles.
  • You have a bad month and begin to question your ability to create lasting success.
  • You find yourself shrinking around successful people, feeling "not as good as" them.

When you lack confidence, you're not going to have the success you desire and deserve, plain and simple.

If you could use more confidence, check out today's video where I'll walk you through the process I use with my VIP clients step by step. My clients have successfully used this process to create lasting success and quick cash. I'm happy to share it with you.

Just click here to watch.


Be Brilliant,


PS If you missed the memos about the other videos, you'll find replays on the same page

Tapping to success,


Kate Beeders

Helping solopreneurs make more money....FAST!!!

Host of "Tapping to Success" radio show

PS: If you missed last week's video, you'll have a chance to watch it

PSS: Did you sign up for the upcoming F*REE live webinar?

Quick Links

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achi achievements."

~Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[Video] Isn't it time you started charging what you're worth?

I hope you're having a great week.

I hope last week's video helped you release some blocks around procrastination. It's never fun to self-sabotage, is it?

Freeing yourself from what's holding you back on the inside can rapidly shift your results outside.

In today's video, I'm going to walk you through how to break free from another major "stuck point" I see day in and day out with solopreneurs.

It's that uncomfortable (but necessary) part of the marketing process: asking for the money.

Not just asking for a client to pay you, but asking for what you're worth.

You know how it goes: you get to the "money part" in the conversation and a feeling of awkwardness comes over you, your palms sweat and thoughts begin racing through your mind like:

It feels uncomfortable asking for money when I'm helping them

Can I really ask for that much?

I wonder what they can afford ...

I'm worth more than this, but how could I ask for THAT?

This point in the process is where things tend to fall apart for heart-centered entrepreneurs.

You end up feeling like a fraud if you get paid what you deserve, or feeling resentful if you don't.

Having a "money belief" that's not serving you can show up in many ways, like:

  • Offering to barter when what you really need is cash.
  • "Discounting" your fees at the last second.
  • Assuming people can't or wouldn't pay you top dollar for your services.

The fact is, being paid less than you're worth creates an imbalance with your clients -- and ultimately leaves you feeling drained of energy or at the very least disappointed.

And all of that chips away at your self-esteem and your confidence.

If this is hitting home with you, check out today's video where I'll walk you through the step-by-step process I use with my clients to release your limiting beliefs around money and finally get paid what you're worth.

Just click here to watch.

Tapping to success,


Kate Beeders

Helping solopreneurs make more money....FAST!!!

Host of "Tapping to Success" radio show

PS: If you missed last week's video, you'll have a chance to watch it

PSS: Please forward this video ezine along to a friend

Quick Links

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achi achievements."

~Napoleon Hill

Sunday, February 19, 2012

[Video] Stop procrastination FAST!

Have you had a chance to check out my first video yet? Everyone seems to love it & I don't want you to miss out!

When it comes to generating the income you need and you know you are capable of bringing in, do you feel "stuck"?

This "stuck point" is real ... I know, because it's what I hear day in and day out from entrepreneurs just like you.

It shows up in your business as a frustrating tug of war between the part of you that wants to move forward big-time and the part of you that wants to procrastinate. Then, you beat yourself up for being lazy or "undisciplined."

Or, it shows up in that moment when it's time to close the sale, and you feel awkward -- or even like a "fraud" -- asking for large amounts of money ... even though you and I both know you deserve to be paid well for what you do.

And all of this chips away at your self-confidence.

Every time one of these things happens, it makes it harder and harder to move forward and create the income you deserve and desire.

Let's face it, success is an inside job. It's driven by your beliefs about what is possible for you, coupled with consistent, money-generating actions.

Ready to get un-stuck? I've put together a series of short videos to help you get to the bottom of what's holding you back so you can bring in rapid cash and finally experience the success you deserve.

Did I mention I'm giving you free access to these powerful coaching videos? And you don't even need to sign up?

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sending you one video about once per week to help you with the biggest "stuck points" I see day to day. (Catch them right away when you see them land in your inbox because they will be taken down before long.) I'm going to be walking you through the same exact processes I use with my private clients.

These videos are short, concise and you'll be walked through specific processes to help you break free from what's holding you back and get the money flowing the way you want it to.

Here is the first one -- enjoy!

Tapping to success,


Kate Beeders

Helping solopreneurs make more money....FAST!!!

Host of "Tapping to Success" radio show

PS: I've made these videos really concise. They are totally worth your time. Don't put this off (you'll see why in the video). Watch this first video now before you get distracted by something else.

PSS: Please forward this video ezine along to a friend

Quick Links

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achi achievements."

~Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

[VIDEO] Are you stuck & want to create rapid cash?

Kate here. I hope your week is going brilliantly!

When it comes to generating the income you need and you know you are capable of bringing in, do you feel "stuck"?

This "stuck point" is real ... I know, because it's what I hear day in and day out from entrepreneurs just like you.

It shows up in your business as a frustrating tug of war between the part of you that wants to move forward big-time and the part of you that wants to procrastinate. Then, you beat yourself up for being lazy or "undisciplined."

Or, it shows up in that moment when it's time to close the sale, and you feel awkward -- or even like a "fraud" -- asking for large amounts of money ... even though you and I both know you deserve to be paid well for what you do.

And all of this chips away at your self-confidence.

Every time one of these things happens, it makes it harder and harder to move forward and create the income you deserve and desire.

Let's face it, success is an inside job. It's driven by your beliefs about what is possible for you, coupled with consistent, money-generating actions.

Ready to get un-stuck? I've put together a series of short videos to help you get to the bottom of what's holding you back so you can bring in rapid cash and finally experience the success you deserve.

Did I mention I'm giving you free access to these powerful coaching videos? And you don't even need to sign up?

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sending you one video per week to help you with the biggest "stuck points" I see day to day. (Catch them right away when you see them land in your inbox because they will be taken down before long.) I'm going to be walking you through the same exact processes I use with my private clients.

These videos are short, concise and you'll be walked through specific processes to help you break free from what's holding you back and get the money flowing the way you want it to.

Here is the first one -- enjoy!

Tapping to success,


Kate Beeders

Helping solopreneurs make more money....FAST!!!

Host of "Tapping to Success" radio show

PS: I've made these videos really concise. They are totally worth your time. Don't put this off (you'll see why in the video). Watch this first video now before you get distracted by something else.

PSS: Please forward this video ezine along to a friend

Quick Links

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achi achievements."

~Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Did you know it's ok to procrastinate?

We’ve had lots of 50 degrees days in Boston in January. Wow! It’s unheard of, but I’ve been taking advantage of it and getting out and having fun. Taking Cali out for nice long walks. What a treat! (Even though it’s 50 degrees out - we still have a little snow on the ground- check out the photo). I almost wrote that I was “sneaking out of work” (those old work and thought habits die hard), but the truth is, there are times when it’s ok to procrastinate.

dog in snow

One of the main reasons solopreneurs start their own business is for the freedom it gives them. So, if you can’t go and enjoy a beautiful day- what’s the point of being your own boss? If it’s difficult to allow yourself to get out from behind your computer and have fun, here are few suggestions:

It’s ok to procrastinate, when:

1. You have time in your deadline. (Hint – move up your deadlines in your calendar. It’s just like setting your watch 5 minutes fast so you’re never late)

2. You’re feeling a bit stuck. The thoughts aren’t flowing. Maybe you do need a change of scenery (away from the computer) to get the creative juices going.

3. If you decide to go out for a while, reschedule what you had planned on doing. That way, that task will still get completed.

If my suggestions make you feel guilty about procrastinating, here’s a short tapping script to help you.*

Karate Chop: Even though I feel guilty about taking a little time away from work, I want to love & accept myself (repeat 3 times)

Inner Eye: I feel guilty about procrastinating
Outer Eye: I feel guilty about taking time away from work
Under Eye: I have so much to do
Under Nose: But it’s so beautiful outside
Chin: I always work very hard
Collar Bone: From early in the morning to night
Head: Maybe it’s ok to every now and then take a break
Inner Eye: Get away from the computer and the desk
Outer Eye: Breathe some fresh air
Under Eye: See some new scenery
Under Nose: Give my brain a chance to clear out and refresh
Chin: This will make me feel so energized
Collar Bone: I’ll probably be a lot more productive when I return
Head: I’ll be much happier

*(Please remember that tapping is meant to be gentle and you are responsible for your own mental health when tapping)

To listen to an audio of this article, click here.

If you’d like to work further on releasing this guilt or other blocks, please contact my

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

To get the audios of the radio show emailed directly to you (at no charge), please sign up:

Christina HillsInternet marketing expert, Christina Hills, talks about "The Top 10 Plugins You NEED for your WordPress Website". She’ll walk you through the top plugins and explain what they do. For more info and why you need it:

Listen live on Wednesday, Feb 1 at 12pm EST :

Karl DawsonKarl Dawson, creator of Matrix Reimprinting, talks about this phenomenal technique that is changing the lives of thousands and thousands of people.

Listen live on Wednesday, Feb 8 at 12pm EST :


“During the short time that I have been working with Kate in the Money Attraction Inner Circle, I have much more focus about my business and exactly what I want to achieve. Kate makes you see things in a different way, and breaks the process down into easy 'do-able' steps to move to the next level. I am starting a brand new business from scratch and Kate has helped me to define exactly what I want my business to achieve. I was feeling very overwhelmed and now I have more clarity and focus. I am certainly more productive and feel very positive because I know that I am taking steps in the right direction. I have a clear plan of action that is realistic and do-able. In fact I'm even completing tasks before the deadlines that I have set myself. I have had a big shift from procrastination and overwhelm to clarity and action!"

– Leanne Jones,

Is your business stuck? You’re not having the success you desire and want? Check out my Money Attraction Inner Circle, where we release the blocks holding you back and give you the action steps necessary to move you forward quickly.

Our next topic for the Feb 2nd call is “List Building Made Easy”. At the end of the call, there's plenty of time for Q & A. Special Introductory Offer when you join NOW of $9.97 for the first month.

I got a fun video for you today from my friend Christina Hills. She created this spoof on of Little Red Riding Hood, and she's calling it "Little WEB Riding Hood"! Poor Little Web Riding Hood. She's frustrated. She needs to get her website up for a new product she wants to create! But her "oh so busy" webmaster won't return her calls. Watch what happens in this short video as "Little Web" shares her predicament now with her mother -- And be careful out in those woods alone. There are webmasters lurking about.

Kate Beeders is a success coach, specializing in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs make more money FAST!!! She has developed a powerful technique which combines her business development expertise, Tapping, and the Law of Attraction that helps her clients get their expertise out into the world in a bigger way-- they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money, and develop more self-confidence. Many even double their income in a few short months!

As a highly sought after Thought Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 Tapping World Summit, with over 300,000 listeners worldwide and is a certified EFT/MTT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction.

To get your F*REE Success Tips report, please click here.

A great big welcome to all the new readers who’ve just joined our Success Community! You’re going to love the resources you will find here to help you attract more abundance into your business and life -- Enjoy!

Tapping to success,

-- specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S. Join the Money Attraction Inner Circle NOW for the Special Introductory Offer of
$9.97. Our next call is Feb 2nd.

P.P.S. Save the Date: My Ultimate Success System Workshop is June 15th &
June 16th in Boston.

P.P.P.S. Interested in being a sponsor for the workshop? Contact my team

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Money Attraction Discovery Session (apply today!)

How many times have you caught yourself this week saying you’re going to get something done, but hours, days, weeks, even months have gone by and next thing you know, it’s still not done. Then do you start doing this? Do you start beating yourself up – do you start saying “OMG, can I ever possibly achieve this goal? And now, what’s happening… it’s slipping away likes it’s just a dream that you don’t deserve. Next thing you know, those dreams, those goals that you really wanted are nothing but a distant memory. And the procrastinator inside of you has won again.

In case you're just getting to know me, I specialize in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST! I do this by helping them release the blocks holding them back and then give them the action steps they need to move forward. That's my expertise. I did it for myself and do that with my private clients

“Since I started w orking with Kate I have twice as many clients. More importantly I have three times as much confidence in the worth of my work financially and its value for the clients ,this makes networking flow easily and naturally. Thanks Kate.”
~Norah Sweetman

Would you like help reaching your financial goals this year?

I decided to open up 10 spots to coach with me for 30 minutes. There's no cost to you (it's a $250 value) - it's my GIFT to you. It's my 30-minute "Money Attraction Discovery Session".

There's no pre-written agenda, but I'll be asking you questions to learn more about you and your business to see if I can help you. I'll offer suggestions where they're appropriate. I might offer recommendations of a book to read, a resource to get or possibly to coach with me. I won't know until we talk what will be best for you.

(The last time I offered this, the response was overwhelming, so it's important you respond right away to be considered)

Here's how it works:

- Simply "hit" reply, answer a few easy questions and send it back to me.

- Respond back by Sunday, January 29th at midnight EST

- I'll let you know after Tuesday, Jan 31st, if you got a spot

-IMPORTANT: You must answer ALL the questions to be eligible for this gift breakthrough session. Any received with missing info will be deleted.


1. What is your name, business website and tell me a little bit about your business?

2. Why did you start your business?

3. When it comes to having a more successful business, what are your biggest challenges?

4. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest), how important is it to you to get these solved...and why?

5. . What is the #1 obstacle that's kept you from solving these challenges?

6. Based on your current income, where would you like your income to be in 6 months? 12 Months? (Please be realistic, but have it be a bit of a stretch)

7. Are you considering hiring a coach?

8. What is your phone number, time zone and email address?


"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S. Please forward this along to any solopreneurs who might be interested

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Do you soar with the eagles?

The other night, I was talking to a friend on the phone, having one of those conversations about “life”. My friend commented how she liked to "soar with the eagles". She considered her friends “eagles” as they were “high flying”, meaning they are: action- oriented, focused, proud and happy with their lives.

Think about whom you call your friends – whom you spend your time with? Do they share the same values as you do? Do they have great energy that always lifts you up when you spend time with them – or do you feel depleted after talking to them. It’s been said, that “the people you spend your time with, determines your success”.

I often talk to my clients about who the have in their “Inner Circle”. These should be the people who they trust, who support them, care about them, love them, respect them and these relationships must be reciprocal.

An action step for you: Look and see who’s in your “Inner Circle”. Who do you value the most in your life? Do they meet the above criteria? If not, you may need to re-evaluate your relationship, as having them be an integral part of your life, may hold you back. Their negative energy can pull you down and leave you stuck!

That’s one of the reasons I created my Money Attraction Inner Circle. I wanted it to be made up of solopreneurs who would support each other as they continue to grow their businesses. This is very important to me. If you’d like to learn more about my Money Attraction Inner Circle, click here.

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

To get the audios of the radio show emailed directly to you (at no charge), please sign up:

2January 18 at 12 pm EST, Andrea J. Lee, Wealthy Thought Leader, talking about income through innovation for the future-minded entrepreneur

To listen live, click here.

1January 25 at 12 pm EST, Sheri McConnell, CEO of the Smart Women’s Success Strategies–Secrets of Millionaire Women Entrepreneurs

To listen live, click here.


" One of the best investments I made last year was to get Kate on my team."Success & Business Mindset Mastery Blueprint" was a perfect start. Then I participated in her VIP coaching program. Due to Kate’s contributions, I have developed new programs, had more participants and have structured my work much better while I have let go of old patterns. The results were increased income and more success. I have also managed to get on the first page of Norway's largest magazine with a big article about a success I had with a client. Kate has a unique combination of business coaching and EFT that can be recommended most warmly. She is very talented! I look forward to new successes with Kate to come..”

– Anne Vaa Lillehaug
Kreative Mind

Is your business stuck? You’re not having the success you desire and want? Check out my Money Attraction Inner Circle, where we release the blocks holding you back and give you the action steps necessary to move you forward quickly.

Join NOW and save 50% off (and be part of the BONUS Q & A call on Thursday, January 19).

Kate Beeders is a success coach, specializing in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs make more money FAST!!! She has developed a powerful technique which combines her business development expertise, Tapping, and the Law of Attraction that helps her clients get their expertise out into the world in a bigger way…they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money, and develop more self-confidence. Many even double their income in a few short months!

As a highly sought after Thought Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 Tapping World Summit, with over 300,000 listeners worldwide and is a certified EFT/MTT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction.

To get your F*REE Success Tips report, please click here.

A great big welcome to all the new readers who’ve just joined our Success Community! You’re going to love the resources you will find here to help you attract more abundance into your business and life…Enjoy!

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S. : Save 50% NOW when you join the Money Attraction Inner Circle -

P.S.S. Bonus Q & A call on Thursday, January 19, click here for details:
