Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[Video] Isn't it time you started charging what you're worth?

I hope you're having a great week.

I hope last week's video helped you release some blocks around procrastination. It's never fun to self-sabotage, is it?


Freeing yourself from what's holding you back on the inside can rapidly shift your results outside.

In today's video, I'm going to walk you through how to break free from another major "stuck point" I see day in and day out with solopreneurs.

It's that uncomfortable (but necessary) part of the marketing process: asking for the money.

Not just asking for a client to pay you, but asking for what you're worth.

You know how it goes: you get to the "money part" in the conversation and a feeling of awkwardness comes over you, your palms sweat and thoughts begin racing through your mind like:

It feels uncomfortable asking for money when I'm helping them

Can I really ask for that much?

I wonder what they can afford ...

I'm worth more than this, but how could I ask for THAT?

This point in the process is where things tend to fall apart for heart-centered entrepreneurs.

You end up feeling like a fraud if you get paid what you deserve, or feeling resentful if you don't.

Having a "money belief" that's not serving you can show up in many ways, like:

  • Offering to barter when what you really need is cash.
  • "Discounting" your fees at the last second.
  • Assuming people can't or wouldn't pay you top dollar for your services.

The fact is, being paid less than you're worth creates an imbalance with your clients -- and ultimately leaves you feeling drained of energy or at the very least disappointed.

And all of that chips away at your self-esteem and your confidence.

If this is hitting home with you, check out today's video where I'll walk you through the step-by-step process I use with my clients to release your limiting beliefs around money and finally get paid what you're worth.

Just click here to watch.


Tapping to success,


Kate Beeders

Helping solopreneurs make more money....FAST!!!

Host of "Tapping to Success" radio show

PS: If you missed last week's video, you'll have a chance to watch ithttp://www.successcoachingwithKate.com/rcsscall2

PSS: Please forward this video ezine along to a friend

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"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achi achievements."

~Napoleon Hill
