Saturday, March 26, 2011

{Audio} Creating Your Marketing Plan

Dear Kate,

Meeting with one of my new mentors a few weeks ago, really reminded me to get back to basics and put together a good marketing plan.

Having a marketing plan is critical, yet so many solopreneurs are uncomfortable with this. There are many reasons why: fear of public speaking, tried to do this unsuccessfully in the past, don't know enough about it, afraid it will take too much time, cost too much money and so on. Yet, if you're a solopreneur and not comfortable talking about your expertise- how will your future clients know about you or find you?

If you're a more experienced entrepreneur reading this, you might be saying to yourself that you don't need this information. That's what I thought at first, since my marketing background is so strong, that I can basically market in my sleep. But, then I paused, I took a look at my existing plan, and by making a few slight changes, I got 2 new clients in a week. It was amazing!!! What are 2 new clients worth to you?

I hope you enjoy this very special Marketing Tapping Audio I made just for you! Click here to listen

Exciting news if you're in the Boston area. I'm holding my first everMoney Attraction for Solopreneurs workshop on Wednesday, April 27 in Newton, MA. Check out my early bird special!

Tapping to success,

Kate Beeders

...helping solopreneurs make more money...FAST!!!
Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Are you curious how I've achieved success so quickly? Here's one of my favorite resources (besides tapping!).

So here's the thing...

When I first started manifesting, in many ways, it was like
learning to ride my first push bike. There was some frustrating
stumbling, falling and failure. But as my dad use to say to me
'persistence is the key' ....and one day it just clicked.

If you've been trying as hard as you can to get it right--well,
that's your first problem (the TRY part!)

But the second thing is--it's really so much easier than you
think once you understand a few key elements to your
manifesting success.

And I'm happy to tell you none other than the 2 great
Bob's- Bob Proctor and Bob Doyle- have the answers for you!

[Bob Proctor and Bob Doyle Show You The Way]

You may remember the 2 Bob's from The Secret--and from the absolute
gold mine of knowledge they share all over the globe.

Now, Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies sits them down for
2 very revealing chats...

First, Bob Doyle explains the The Law of Attraction "101"...
and how to use it in your life NOW to manifest whatever it
is you most desire. This energizing chat simplifies visualization
in a way I've never seen before!

Then, Bob Proctor explains exactly where effective
visualization begins. He just has such a fantastic way of laying
it all out, I'm sure you'll get a whole new perspective that will
actually be very exciting for you.

In my opinion, this kind of conversation is way overdue when it
comes to the essentials and TRUTH about the Law of Attraction
and how it all works.

Because it's simply not just some flight of fancy or make-believe
exercise--the Universal and unchanging laws that make
EVERYTHING happen for you are grounded in science!

Now don't get nervous or anything--you don't have to be able
to unravel an equation or know a test tube from a Petrie dish--all
you have to do is step up to the plate and agree to make this a
habit you do every single day...

[Practice Makes Perfect--How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want]

The biggest mistake most people make with manifesting is
throwing in the towel when what you want doesn't materialize

Hey, it doesn't work like that! :-)

I mean, on the one hand, it works so darn fast it will make your
head spin--especially when you consider how hugely this can
transform your life forever. It DOES take some time, with a
dedication to visualizing what you truly want in your life every
single day.

But it doesn't have to be difficult or complicated, or even very
time consuming.

It just has to be done regularly like clockwork. When you do
that ONE thing, hold on to your hat--because some really
incredible, almost magical, things will start to happen in your life!

[Feels Like Magic But It's Real]

The magical part is so real, Ryan explains exactly how
he vaporized a whopping $70K in debt in only three
short months.

If you've got some financial "issues" you're really going to
want to watch this very closely--it could be the key that unlocks
the door to your best life yet.

So take a look--and get started doing exactly what the two Bob's say.
You'll find it just could be the missing piece of your manifesting puzzle.

And be sure to let me know how things are going for you OK?

Tapping to success,


P.S. Have you ever thought about how you've been programmed
since you were a kid to accept whatever life hands you?
No offense, but that is the biggest load of horse puckie since
Columbus said the world was flat! You can truly RE-program
your thinking to attract the most astounding things into your life.

Just watch the video, OK?

[Bob Proctor and Bob Doyle Explain It All--RE-Program Your Thinking!]

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tapping for Money

Kate Beeders, MTT/EFT PractitionerDear Kate

There are so many exciting things going on this year. I'm just back from spending a VIP day with one of my mentors. I can't wait to share all that I've learned with you!

"You're picky about the car you drive. You're picky about what you wear. You're picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think" --- Abraham

So, here's my Success Tip for you. The fastest way to change what you think is through tapping (EFT). For those of you who haven't tried tapping or haven't worked with me, here's a great way to try tapping. As a special gift, I've made a wonderful, short "Tapping for Money Audio" for you. Just click here to listen If you like the tapping, check this out.

My next radio guest is Michele DeKinder-Smith, who'll be on Sunday, March 27 at 6pm EST, click here to listen live
who is a seasoned research professional and has conducted research for Fortune 500 companies for the past 20 years. She is also a female entrepreneur, having started her first million dollar company in 1998. Michele brought her joint passion for research and helping other women business owners together by founding Jane Out of the Box, which conducts research for and about women business owners.

During our show, Michele will be sharing information about the 5 different types of female entrepreneurs. Click here for more information.

The Wise Women Network is teaching women to be moneyWISE! Are you ready to know more about your money?

You won't believe what Brad Yates is up to now (but I'm pretty sure you'll like it)... He's doing something special for a special someone, and would like your help. In exchange, he's making a pretty incredible offer (including gifts just for taking a look) - check it out:

Quick Links

"The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart."


Tapping to success,

Kate Beeders
