Dear Kate, Meeting with one of my new mentors a few weeks ago, really reminded me to get back to basics and put together a good marketing plan. Having a marketing plan is critical, yet so many solopreneurs are uncomfortable with this. There are many reasons why: fear of public speaking, tried to do this unsuccessfully in the past, don't know enough about it, afraid it will take too much time, cost too much money and so on. Yet, if you're a solopreneur and not comfortable talking about your expertise- how will your future clients know about you or find you? If you're a more experienced entrepreneur reading this, you might be saying to yourself that you don't need this information. That's what I thought at first, since my marketing background is so strong, that I can basically market in my sleep. But, then I paused, I took a look at my existing plan, and by making a few slight changes, I got 2 new clients in a week. It was amazing!!! What are 2 new clients worth to you? I hope you enjoy this very special Marketing Tapping Audio I made just for you! Click here to listen Exciting news if you're in the Boston area. I'm holding my first everMoney Attraction for Solopreneurs workshop on Wednesday, April 27 in Newton, MA. Check out my early bird special! |