Dear Kate
There are so many exciting things going on this year. I'm just back from spending a VIP day with one of my mentors. I can't wait to share all that I've learned with you! "You're picky about the car you drive. You're picky about what you wear. You're picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think" --- Abraham So, here's my Success Tip for you. The fastest way to change what you think is through tapping (EFT). For those of you who haven't tried tapping or haven't worked with me, here's a great way to try tapping. As a special gift, I've made a wonderful, short "Tapping for Money Audio" for you. Just click here to listen If you like the tapping, check this out. My next radio guest is Michele DeKinder-Smith, who'll be on Sunday, March 27 at 6pm EST, click here to listen live who is a seasoned research professional and has conducted research for Fortune 500 companies for the past 20 years. She is also a female entrepreneur, having started her first million dollar company in 1998. Michele brought her joint passion for research and helping other women business owners together by founding Jane Out of the Box, which conducts research for and about women business owners. During our show, Michele will be sharing information about the 5 different types of female entrepreneurs. Click here for more information. The Wise Women Network is teaching women to be moneyWISE! Are you ready to know more about your money? You won't believe what Brad Yates is up to now (but I'm pretty sure you'll like it)... He's doing something special for a special someone, and would like your help. In exchange, he's making a pretty incredible offer (including gifts just for taking a look) - check it out: |