Dear Kate, A few days ago, my radio guest and I were talking about the importance of keeping a gratitude journal. This assignment is something I actually give to my clients as “homework”. Keeping a gratitude journal is an important way of changing your daily mindset. A popular quote by Wayne Dyer says: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. Therefore, when you’re focused on the “good” in your life, you’ll attract more positives and success into your life. There have been many studies on the effectiveness of being grateful. Martin Seligman, the father of Positive Psychology, discovered in one of his studies about the use of gratitude, after 15 days, 94 percent of the participants had a decrease in depression and 92 percent said their happiness had increased. These are the steps I suggest to get you started with a gratitude journal: - Get a special notebook to use
- Pick a time of day to write in your journal (I prefer the end of day, but you want to choose a time that will work for you so this will become a habit)
- Write in your journal things that you are grateful for and why. For example, “I’m grateful for the customer service I received from my phone company because the representative showed me how to use their product more efficiently which will save me time”.
- Choose how many items you’d like to write each day. I suggest starting with a smaller number and then working up to a daily list of 10 items.
- Some of the things you will list may be BIG items, such as being grateful for a new client or amazing opportunity. But, typically, your list will include many minor items as these are the experiences that make up our days.
Here’s a tapping script to help you get started*: Karate chop: Even though it’s hard for me to see all of the things in my life I’m grateful for, I want to love and accept myself Karate chop: Even though, it’s difficult for me to focus on the positives because the negatives in my life seem bigger, I want to find a way to love and accept myself. Karate chop: Even though, I’m not able to always pay attention to what’s good in my life and I seem to focus on what’s missing, I want to find a way to love and accept myself, and let some of these negative beliefs go. Inner eye: it’s hard for me to be grateful when I look around Outer eye: I notice all of the things in my life that are missing Under eye: I wish my life was different and had more in it Under nose: This has been a pattern in my life and my parents’ lives Chin: It would be great to let it go and be grateful Collar bone: But how can I? Under arm: It would be as if I was accepting what’s in my life Liver: When I think so much is missing Wrists: It would mean I was settling Top of head: I don’t want to do that Inner eye: But what if I shifted how I was looking at things Outer eye: And noticed the good in my life Under eye: Realizing the good things were presents in my life from the Universe Under nose: When someone gives me a gift and I don’t appreciate it Chin: Then they stop giving me gifts Collar bone: I don’t want that to happen to me Under arm: I want to keep receiving abundance in my life Liver: If I look around, I know I can see things in my life that I’m grateful for Wrist: So I’m going to start out focusing on some of those things Top of head: And become aware that the gifts of abundance will continue Tapping is meant to be gentle. Please remember you are responsible for your own mental health if you choose to tap alone. To learn more about attracting more abundance by focusing on gratitude in your life, please contact us: RADIO GUESTS: Kailash Sozzani has spent decades helping women discover and express their beauty, both in how they look and expressing who they truly are. Clothes and colors make an impact on both you and the people you come in contact with, and it happens in an instant…before you even say a word! Imagine knowing exactly what colors, textures and patterns, as well as what styles are suited to you, so that you can stop wasting money on clothes that aren’t your “own feathers”, get dressed (practically with your eyes closed), knowing you look and feel fabulous all the time for any situation.
Listen live on Wednesday, August 24 at 12pm EDT. Sharon King has been working in the field of emotional health for 19 years. Her journey into this field began when her soul partner was killed and she was forced to address the emotional challenges that came with this experience. After studying with countless teachers, Sharon went on to develop her own techniques and has been delivering workshops around the world. She currently specializes in teaching people to find their soul purpose, clear ancestral patterns and working with past lives, expanding the birth reimprinting work and enabling people to truly discover what they are here for.
Listen live on Tuesday, August 30 at 12 pm EDT. SUCCESS STORIES: “Since working with Kate I have been attracting abundance more easily. I attracted my dream car and couldn’t believe it when the first car dealer I went to brought me a car to test drive in the exact color, style and price I had been visualizing. My relationship with my husband has improved and there is much more emotional intimacy. The most dramatic change, however, was within myself. I have always been a strong and independent woman, however, after working with Kate, I feel stronger emotionally and empowered. I am more confident in taking care of myself and because of this change, my relationships with friends and family are more positive and nurturing. I have very grateful for the changes in my life and am thankful that these changes have brought me a heightened sense of happiness” ~Renee F (last name withheld to protect her privacy) KATE RECOMMENDS: Do you dream of becoming a published author, but worry you don’t have the talent? Or just can’t find the time? Or don’t know where to start? I want to introduce you to two colleagues of mine. The first, Lisa Tener, has helped dozens of published authors get their books written, into print and into the hands of readers around the world. Some have been published by Simon and Schuster, Random House, and Scribner’s. She teaches on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing course. She’s teaming up with Bestselling Inspirational Publisher Linda Joy, whose first book, “A Juicy, Joyful Life”, hit Amazon #1 Hot New Release in multiple categories in less than 6 hours of release. Lisa and Linda are offering a F*REE, Brand New teleclass: “Birth Your Book: From Inspiration to Published Author” on Sept. 21 at 8:30 pm EDT/5:30 pm PDT. Grab your seat here: ABOUT KATE: Kate Beeders is a success coach, specializing in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs make more money FAST!!! She has developed a powerful technique which combines her business development expertise, Tapping, and the Law of Attraction that helps her clients get their expertise out into the world in a bigger way…they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money, and develop more self-confidence. Many even double their income in a few short months! As a highly sought after Thought Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 Tapping World Summit, with over 300,000 listeners worldwide and is a certified EFT/MTT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction. To get your F*REE Success Tips report, please click here. A great big welcome to all the new readers who’ve just joined our Success Community! You’re going to love the resources you will find here to help you attract more abundance into your business and life…Enjoy! |