Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"LIve Slow...Sail Fast"

Some people collect coffee mugs or key chains when they travel. I collect t-shirts. Among my favorites are my t-shirts from the Caribbean that have “Live Slow” on the front ...and “Sail Fast” on the back. (yes, I have them in lots of colors!) . People always stop me when I’m wearing those t-shirts telling me how much they like that expression.

When I first started buying them years ago, I took the expression literally. But it’s come to mean so much more to me as I continue on my own personal journey. What it means to me today is to “be present” and to be “passionate about what I do in my life”. It’s also about balance, which is one of the most difficult things for most of us to incorporate in our lives.

When I was working in the corporate world, I worked a million hours and reaped the rewards. But I was stressed out all of the time. Not sleeping well and overwhelmed a lot.

Now I make much better choices for myself. I’ve learned what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to. I’m coming from a more confident, stronger sense of self and taking the best care of myself that I can. This is also what I teach my clients. It’s an amazing journey to hold your self in this place.

Here’s a sample of some questions that I ask myself. I suggest you might want to use them as guidelines, too, when deciding whether or not to say “yes” to something for your business. This is one of the important steps to helping you create more balance in your life so you’re spending your valuable time on things that are important to you. If you don’t get a “yes” answer for each question, don’t do it.

  1. Is this something you truly want to do?

  2. Are you willing to give it all you can?

  3. Does it align with your vision of your business?

  4. Will it move your business forward?

  5. Will you enjoy it?

Here’s a sample of a tapping script to help you with any mindset blocks about saying “no” to opportunities: *

Karate Chop: Even though, I’m afraid to say “no”, I want to find a way to love & accept myself
Karate Chop: Even though, I’m not comfortable saying “no”, because it’s easier to say “yes” and it’s the path of least resistance, I want to love and accept myself
Karate Chop: Even though, I’m afraid to say “no” because I might miss out on some opportunities, I want to love and accept myself and be open to start looking at things differently.

Inner Eye: I’m afraid to say no
Outer Eye: I’m afraid to say no
Under Eye: What if I miss out on something
Under Nose: What if it makes someone mad
Chin: It’s so much easier to say yes at the time
Collar bone: But later on I often regret it
Under arm: Then I’m stressed and overwhelmed because I have so much to do
Liver: I don’t know where to begin and sometimes nothing gets done
Wrist: That’s not a good place to be
Top of head: But what if I took time to think about things before saying yes
Inner eye: What if I paused and took a breath and thought if it was something I wanted to do
Outer eye: What if I took the time to think if this would be something that would help me

*Please remember that tapping is meant to be very gentle and you are responsible for your own mental health.

To learn how to empower yourself to know when to say “yes” or “no”, please contact us at Info@successcoachingwithKate.com

Sandra Anne Taylor, Hay House author/ radio showhost and New York Times Bestselling authorNew York Times best selling author, Sandra Anne Taylor is an inspiring and motivating speaker who lectures throughout the world on the power of consciousness and energetic attraction.

Click here to listen live on Thursday, September 8 at 1pm EDT.

Louise Crooks, The KeystoClarity Coach, is a dynamic and inspiring business coach, radio show host, speaker, trainer and co-author of Stepping Stones to Success. Louise also shares the power of social media using Facebook and Online Radio , as well as online and offline marketing, through her training programs and coaching. It is her mission to ensure soulOpreneurs become VISIBLE , so they can grow their business, impact more clients, and promote self- growth and healing in the world – having FUN doing it. Click here to get her F*REE report: The 5 Critical Business Mistakes Soulopreneurs Make and How to Avoid Them’.

Click here to listen live on Wednesday, September 14 at 12:30 pm EDT.

"Since I started working with Kate I have twice as many clients. More importantly I have three times as much confidence in the worth of my work financially and its value for the clients ,this makes networking flow easily and naturally. Thanks Kate.”

– Norah Sweetman ** www.getresults.ie

Kate Beeders is a success coach, specializing in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs make more money FAST!!! She has developed a powerful technique which combines her business development expertise, Tapping, and the Law of Attraction that helps her clients get their expertise out into the world in a bigger way...they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money, and develop more self-confidence. Many even double their income in a few short months!

As a highly sought after Thought Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 Tapping World Summit, with over 300,000 listeners worldwide and is a certified EFT/MTT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction.

To get your F*REE Success Tips report, please click here.

A great big welcome to all the new readers who’ve just joined our Success Community! You’re going to love the resources you will find here to help you attract more abundance into your business and life...Enjoy!

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S. To learn how to empower yourself to know when to say “yes” or “no”, please contact us at Info@successcoachingwithKate.com
