Monday, December 12, 2011

What's your most pressing ?

What’s your most pressing question? Or, my favorite question to ask you is: “what’s blocking your success?

This Thursday, December 15th, I’ll be holding a Live Bonus Call as a follow up from my “Get unstuck, get moving, get the cash flowing” call. There’s going to be lots and lots of time for listeners, like you, to ask me questions and get some on-the-spot coaching.

My expertise is helping solopreneurs make more money FAST. I’m very action-oriented, so the Bonus Call promises to be full of lots of great information to help move you forward quickly. I want 2012 to be a wonderful and successful year for you

I made it real easy (actually, a no-brainer) for you to take this step, by offering a $4.95 introductory offer to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle (MAIC).

Ready to join the Money Attraction Inner Circle and participate in this call, click here:

Here’s what listeners are saying about last Thursday’s call:

“Hi Kate - such a great presentation. Right afterwards I signed up at a center to book space by the hour. I can expand as much as I require - which will become 4 days per month. Looking forward to everything. Thanks” - Jenn Price-Jones

“Hello Kate, I really liked what you did with the call and I appreciate that you made it available to us all. I can see that what you have to offer has a lot of value to people like me who are working from a deeper space. Thanks again.” ~Sharon Bosmoore.

If you missed last Thursday’s call, you can listen here:

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." ~ Buddha

Tapping to success,

...specializing in helping solopreneurs make more money FAST!!!

Radio Host of "Tapping To Success"

P.S.: You can still listen to the call:

P.S.S.: Learn how you can come to the next Live Bonus call and ask all your burning questions!
